Ruby: Traditional and new media can be existed in a mutually beneficial situation

报导 Reporters :陈为益 Tan Wee Yi、赖星柔 Lai Xin Rou

翻译 Translators: 陈为益 Tan Wee Yi、赖星柔 Lai Xin Rou

摄影 Photographer:受访者提供 Provided by interviewees

“传统媒体与新时代媒体是相辅相成的,其中一方没有了另外一方都无法造就如今的局势。因此没有哪个更好,也没有谁是会被完全取代的。”——马新社电视华语新闻制作人魏蔼如 Ruby

“Traditional media and new-age media complement each other, and neither could have created this situation without the other. So no one is better and no one can be completely replaced.” — Producer of Chinese TV News in Bernama TV Ruby Airu Wei


The opportunity to step into the media industry


When it comes to the media industry, many people’s first impression is relatively negative, and some parents will think that this industry is difficult to make a living. Also because of this, many parents may be resist when their children decided to study in media related subjects, they will be worried about the future of their children. Is this really the case? Ruby, Producer of Chinese TV News in Bernama TV laughs and says, “Actually in my time, the image of the media industry was not as negative as it is now. The media industry at that time was very desirable.”

Ruby分享到,她以前的梦想是成为一名警察,因为小时候曾经看过父亲因交通违规遭警察“要钱” ,而不是开“三万”,这让她觉得非常的不公平,所以她从小就立志当警察。“中学起接触文字后,我发现自己非常喜欢文字,所以想说未来的路可以靠文字走下去。”她身体里的“媒体基因”从此开启。

Ruby shared that her dream was to be a police officer. When she was a child, she once saw her father being bribed by the police for traffic violation instead of issuing a ticket, which made her feel very unfair, so she decided to be a police officer since she was a child. “After I started writing in middle school, I found that I really enjoyed writing, so I thought I could go on writing in the future.” The “media gene” in her body was switched on.


After graduating from middle school, Ruby enrolled in the Diploma of Broadcasting, in One World HanXin College, and then completed her bachelor’s degree in the Degree of Radio, Television and Film in Taiwan Shixin University.

“Old media and new media complement each other, and no one replaces the other. ” —— Ruby


A colorful career path


Ruby’s media journey is full of twists and turns. In 2004, she joined Guang Ming Daily as a local news reporter. Seven years later, she went to New Zealand to work and travel for one year. After returning to Malaysia in one year, she joined NTV7 TV as a production assistant and TV reporter.


“过后,我回到大同韩新学院工作, 2018年进入马新社当新闻制作人,直到现在。”

Ruby remembers that at that time, a local network platform was preparing to transform into an online media platform with its own news content, and she became one of them. She said frankly that to transform the platform from a “gossiping” to a high-quality platform with news content, it required the whole team to divide the work and operate. However, due to the lack of funds and manpower, the self-created content goal could not be achieved, so she only stayed for three months and then left.

“After that, I went back to work at One World Han Xin College. In 2018, I joined the Bernama News as a news producer, and I have been working since then.”


From traditional media to digital media, from text, network to video, in the past 16 years, Ruby did not give up on media work, but also stepped forward bravely and became more passionate about news.

After 16 years of transition between old and new media, Ruby is still passionate about the media industry.


Continuous learning and self-adjustment




With the advent of the digital era, Ruby has also deeply felt the necessity of the transformation of traditional media.

In college, Ruby received professional training in traditional media, and has been working in traditional media since graduation. Naturally, she did not receive any training in digital news. “At that time, we don’t need to worry or think about the future of being a digital media or not. Even if they do have an online platform, it’s just to give viewers one more platform to choose from, so updates are slow, usually a few days after the news is released.”

She also admits that traditional media tend to be conservative, and their busy schedules leave them with little time to think or learn about new trends, and little desire to learn anything new. “At the time, no one had any idea that internet would be so developed in future.”


The first time I felt powerless was when I left TV and joined an online media company. Ruby recalls that when she joined the company, the online platform was originally a low-cost site where users could freely publish their daily and discussion content. The boss thought that this type of content would not work for long, so he wanted to transform it into news content and get rid of the “low-quality” “media farm” label.


“But the transformation is not easy, let alone the creation of news content. After reporters’ interview, a team needs to discuss and jointly produce news content, which cannot be accomplished by one person alone. But I was the only one with any news experience at that time. Although I wanted to have a try, it didn’t work out and I didn’t do anything special.”

她感叹,一个 “吹水”网站即使生产了自己的新闻,也还是改变不了本质,它的使用者依旧把网站当作“吹水站” ,制作的新闻也没有引起太大的讨论,流量很低。在流量胜于一切的网络媒体,Ruby感受到了自己的不足,所以最后只好选择离开,再次踏上自我摸索的路途。

She said that even if a “gossip” website produces its own news, it still does not change the nature of the site. Its users still treat the website as a best place for gossiping and the news produced does not cause much discussion and cause a low traffic. Which the traffic is the superior to everything else in the digital media era. Ruby felt its own inadequacy, so finally had to choose to leave and set foot on the road of self-exploration again.



What Ruby learned from this experience is that news cannot be created by a single person, especially in this era of developed network, the mutual assistance of a team is important.

Ruby said that in the transformation of digital media, in addition to the self-improvement of the team, the news company media must also provide staff training. Only by doing it, the positive effect of mutual benefit and complement each other will only be achieve.

The picture of Ruby connecting with the news anchor when she was a reporter in TV station.


Old and new media that will not be replaced by each other

问到网络媒体会否成为未来唯一新闻接收的管道时,她不假思索的说,这个问题很多人都问过,但至今没有明确的答案。 “就像我,也不是一个会买报纸来看的人,但是当我在选择要不要相信一个新闻时,我还是会选择相信正统媒体,传统媒体亲力亲为生产的新闻是比较可靠的。”

When asked if online media will be the only conduit for receiving news in the future, she said without thinking, this question has been asked by many people, but so far there is no clear answer “Just like me, I am not a person who will buy a newspaper to read, but when I am choosing what news to trust, I will still choose to trust the traditional media, after all, the news produced by the traditional media in person is more reliable.”


She says optimistically, “I don’t think traditional media will be completely replaced by the digital news, just because you don’t read newspapers or watch TV news doesn’t mean that other people don’t.” Ruby recalled that some people had told her before that their busy life had made them unable to track the fast and numerous network news, let alone discover all the big and small events spread on the network. Instead of online news, they prefer to sit in front of the TV and use the 15 minutes of TV news to watch the most complete and important daily news. From this point of view, the use of old and new media will still vary according to personal living habits, so there is no such thing as the complete replacement of traditional media.


Ruby also shared that old and new media, like old and new media people in the media industry, need to complement each other. “For example, the Australian media industry recently asked Google (Google) and Facebook (Facebook) to pay local news outlets because it is the content of the news assets that drives the high traffic performance of these sites,” she said. The site’s large number of users makes news media content highly visible; The high quality of the news media’s content has also driven the number of users on the site, which is the best example of mutual use and mutual growth.


She added that the development of the Internet only provides one more channel for the development of media news. It is the highly spread of traditional media that makes the current situation of new media even more powerful. Therefore, the old and new media are actually operating at the same time and developing in a better direction.

Ruby at work as a journalist.


Words for future media practitioner

最后, Ruby给予未来的媒体人的首要建议是提升语言能力。“我们的母语中文固然重要,但在多元种族的马来西亚,能够运用马来文以及英文与人沟通的能力也是非常必要的。”Ruby坦言,在马来西亚的媒体人,无论是技术职位,前台或是制作人,每一个岗位的语言能力,无论是书写还是沟通都是非常重要的。语言的掌握除了是职业上的必要条件,更是我们的一个机会,是能够让我们将自己的能力拓展到更多圈子或是其他国家的一个途径。

To conclude the interview, Ruby’s top piece of advice to future media personnel is to improve their language skills.  “While our mother tongue Chinese is important, the ability to communicate with people in Malay as well as English is also very essential in a multi-racial Malaysia.” Ruby admits that for media professionals in Malaysia, whether it is a technical position, front office or producer, language skill ,writing and communication are both very important in every position. Apart from being a professional necessity, language mastery is also an opportunity for us to expand our abilities to more circles or other countries.


In addition, the ability to distinguish news is also crucial. Ruby says that as we’ve grown up in the 3C world, we’re fed a lot of news on a daily basis, so it’s important to learn how to tell the difference between real and fake news.She said that learning the ability to distinguish the fake news is actually very difficult and requires a combination of experience and personal perception to do it well. Therefore, continuous learning and experience accumulation is the most important thing.


She concluded, “There is no end to what we can learn, although I have been in this industry for a long time, but in this era of rapid change, there are great challenges to face every day. We also have to keep learning and discerning in order to know some ways to survive in this industry.”